Skinny Latina Easter Deviled Eggs
Skinny Latina Easter Deviled Eggs

Skinny Latina Easter Deviled Eggs

Skinny Latina Easter Deviled Eggs


8-12 large eggs

1 tbsp of Skinny Latina Marinade 

½ tbsp of Skinny Latina Hot Sauce 

¼ cup of Mayo 

½ tbsp of Dijon mustard 

salt and ground black pepper to taste

4-10 drops red food coloring, or desired amount

4-10 drops blue food coloring, or desired amount

4-10 drops green food coloring, or desired amount

3-6 cups water, or as desired


1️⃣ Place eggs into a large saucepan, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil. Let eggs boil for 3 minutes; turn off heat, cover pot, and let eggs cook in hot water for at least 20 minutes. Drain and cover eggs with cold water. Peel cooled eggs.

2️⃣ Cut hard-cooked eggs in half lengthwise and remove yolks; mash yolks in a bowl with mayo, Dijon mustard, Skinny Latina Marinade, Skinny Latina Hot Sauce, salt, and black pepper until smooth.

3️⃣ Place red, blue, and green food coloring into 3 different bowls and add about 1 to 2 cups of water to each bowl. Steep egg white halves in each bowl, tinting the egg whites pink, light blue, and green. If color is too pale, add more coloring to bowls. Drain colored egg whites on paper towels.

4️⃣ Pipe or spoon egg yolk filling into colored egg white halves. Optional: garnish with scallions, cilantro or capers. Enjoy!